Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jesus does't need an iPad

Christmas is a time when followers of Jesus celebrate his birthday.

This year, a pastor friend, who I really respect, shared how his church celebrates Jesus. Their church, he said, passes out "Happy Birthday Jesus" envelopes where Christians can donate a check to go toward something that would please Jesus.

I have to admit, I was a little convicted. You see, I tend to treat Christmas more like it is my birthday or someone else's. I spend a lot of time searching for the best gifts that will get me the most bang for my buck, which mostly centers around my family and I. This year was no different, I found myself researching and looking at tablets, the Galaxy Note and the iPad Pro.

Then all of a sudden, I heard this inner voice. "Aren't you suppose to be buying a gift for Jesus?" Instantly, in defense, I thought, "Maybe Jesus likes iPads." I pondered the Scripture where Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me (Matthew 25:40)." For that split second I thought, "If I buy this iPad, I am actually buying it for Jesus." Yet in reality, I knew that wasn't true, but it sure sounded spiritual!

If truth be told, Jesus doesn't want an iPad for his birthday. That passage in Matthew communicates how we can minister to others, whether they are hungry, poor, imprisoned, or just plain thirsty. You see, when we give to meet the needs of others, we also give to Jesus. Ultimately, those are the kind of birthday gifts he likes.

Now this doesn't mean we shouldn't purchase iPads or gifts for others, it just means that in the midst of our shopping sprees, we must remember whose birthday we are REALLY celebrating. It is his birthday, not ours, not others, it's his! Consequently, we should seek to stuff our own "Happy Birthday Jesus" envelopes and take the time to think through potential gifts he would want for his birthday.

  • Perhaps there is a charity that honors Jesus and is on your heart.

  • Maybe you could bless a missionary who is living out the gospel in other parts of the world.

  • Perhaps you and your family can serve in a soup kitchen and help feed the homeless.

  • Maybe you can show gratitude to those who serve in the armed forces.

Ultimately, there are many great gifts we can give to Jesus, which can lead him to say, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me (Matthew 25:40)."

This year, as followers of Christ, let's stand together and commit ourselves to giving to the One whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas.

Let's make sure he has a special present that awaits him under our Christmas trees.

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