Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bethlehem, a Wife, and God's Promise

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

Here we have another example of God keeping His promises. Out of the small dusty town of Bethlehem, one would come who would rule over Israel (Jesus) would be born. Unfortunately, the parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, did not live in Bethlehem, but lodged in Nazareth, some seventy five to eighty miles away. In other words the address was wrong!

So what were they going to do? Many times in life we find ourselves in a similar situation. Should we trust God or just take matters into our own hands? Many times we give God a time limit and go to plan B if we don't see any movement.

God's Promise of Marriage: I remember a time in my life when I wondered if God was going to bring a potential wife into the picture. It had been a "dry and dusty season" in my life, a ten year period, where there were no legitimate prospects on my radar. I didn't understand what God was doing. At the time, I was training for the ministry and there was no activity, zilch! As a result, I met with a seminary counselor and asked if it was possible to have the "gift of singleness," even if you didn't desire it. She assured me that if God had placed that desire to marry on my heart, I did not possess that so-called gift. Yet, like stale piece of bubble gum, my dating life for the past ten years had been, shall we say, flavorless.

Questions came to mind. Should I go back to the club scene and seek some female companionship? Should I try my hand at the online dating sights that boasted of true romance? Well, I said no to the club scene thing, and after some dismal online dating experiences, I resigned myself to believing that I would never marry. Then something unexpected happened. God gave me a promise!

While at a majestic Oregon waterfall park called Silver Falls, God told me that I would marry my wife. However, there was a problem! While I was drawn to Machele, she did not feel the same, at least then. So as I stood in the cavern behind the waterfall, I argued with God. "God I don't mean to be critical here, but hello, she is not showing me any love! She is not suggesting we pick at rings at Zales." So for the next 20 minutes, with my arms flailing in objection, I disputed the Promise Maker. Finally I concluded, either I am crazy and hearing voices, or You are telling me the truth.

One year later, I asked Machele to marry me at that very exact location! Her response, "I would love to marry you." God's promise turned true, not just a little, but completely. It was a lesson that would be ingrained in my mind's eye, God keeps His promises.

Back to the Story! What would Mary and Joseph ultimately do? Should they make their way towards Bethlehem on their own initiative or simply be resigned to believe that God's promise was partly true, the lone exception being the mailing the address? Ultimately, of course, they decided to wait on God and allow Him to providentially connect the dots. Many of you know the rest of the story. God used Caesar Augustus, perhaps the most prominent Roman Emperor ever, to issue a decree that stated everyone had to register in their ancestral birthplaces to pay taxes. The town for Joseph and Mary of course, was Bethlehem.

There in Bethlehem, was born the ruler from ancient of days, just like God promised. Ultimately, he would be born to the most unlikely couple, in an unlikely town, in an unlikely way. Yet, in the end, this is just another example of how God can use seemingly unconnected events to weave His fulfilled promises into His providential masterful tapestry.

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