Friday, December 4, 2015

Some Gifts come in Different Sizes

One great thing about Christmas is gifts. Most of us have more than one that awaits us under our trees of abundance and we genuinely look forward to opening them.

I remember one Christmas eve, my brother did something I'll never forget as our family was about to tear open our gifts. As we all listened to Joy to the World play over and over again like a broken record, he stood by the door and sadly informed us that he would be right back. "Where are you going" we asked, annoyed by the Christmas disappointment. Awkwardly, he replied, "I just realized I forgot to buy mom a gift." We pleaded with him to stay and informed him that all the stores were closed, well everyone except for 7-11.

Needless to say we were frozen in disbelief as we watched him absquatulate from the front door. The bottom line, he did not want to celebrate Christmas without having a gift for my mom, even if it was from 7-11, and turned out to be a half-eaten box of chocolates.

Christmas, for him, would not be complete without having the ability to hand out a personal gift. In the same way, that is what Jesus did for us after he finished his work on the cross. He had to give out gifts.

7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore it says, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:7-8)."

What these two verses communicate is that Jesus victoriously handed out gifts to us after he died and conquered death. Unlike victorious kings that simply receive gifts from others; the Apostle Paul explains, "Jesus gave" gifts. The gifts, however, revolve around spiritual ones that can be used by the church to reach out and make an impact on others.

Like gifts under our trees, some are considered more valuable than others. There are spiritual gifts we would metaphorically consider less expensive and those we would deem as more spendy. Nevertheless, each gift plays a vital part for allowing us to give to others.

One question we must ask ourselves this Christmas is this: "What gift(s) has Jesus given me to make a difference in the lives of others." In other words, as you look at your own unique natural abilities and talents, how can you hone those to glorify Jesus and impact others? How can you give back to others?

As we ponder the major spiritual gifts in the church like apostleship, prophesy, evangelism, teaching, and shepherding, we must also remember that there are others "less expensive" Jesus distributed like the gift of service, administration, encouragement, and even giving to name a few. The question you must ask is this "What gift(s) showcase how God has wired me and made me unique?" Once you can answer this honestly, then you can use your gift(s) to make a difference in someone's life this Christmas.

In the end, you don't have to give normal gifts that are often expensive and cookie cutter like, instead you can share with others, the gift(s) that can really make a significant imprint in someone's lives.

1. You can use your gift of service to wash windows and clean for the elderly

2. You can use your gift of administration to help establish a budget for someone. 

3. You can encourage someone by writing an encouraging and thoughtful card.

4. You can use your gift of giving to buy a family a Christmas meal.

You must always remember that God has made you unique and has given you a gif(s) that can make an impact in lives of others for His glory. He loved you enough to give you the best gift that reflects who you are. As a result, we must make sure we use them.

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